The Little Sage

Your wise inner mentor, your intuition


Everything you need to follow your own sage advice


The ultimate beginners guide to intuitive living

SAVE 20% with The Little Sage Bundle

You gain immediate access to Living Intuitively —learn to intuitively follow your path not someone else’s—and Mastery of the Oracle —learn to read The Little Sage Oracle Cards.

Plus, you receive The Little Sage Oracle Cards, 15 Guided Meditations and the Head & Heart Digital Planner and Journal all for the one price.

That’s the ultimate programs, tools and supports I personally used —then was guided to create—to help you live from a place of inner and higher guidance.


Connect with your own sage advice.

Follow your path, not someone else’s.

Be your own oracle.

You are intuitive.

That inner voice of wisdom is your little sage —your intuition.

Imagine how your life might change if you were to take your own little sage’s advice —that part of you that already knows your path.

Well, you’d clear through the limiting beliefs and blocks of the False Self, reconnect to your True Self and begin to live a life aligned to your path and purpose, not someone else’s.

Why connect with The Little Sage?

  • Your Little Sage, your intuition, will guide you into an inner healing journey, to clear and heal your past (and past lives).

  • Your Little Sage, your intuition, can also guide you through your outer world, helping you make decisions along your path.

  • Your Little Sage, your intuition, is supported by your Spiritual Support Team (SST), who add context to your intuitive impresions.

  • Your Little Sage, your intuition, speaks a symbolic language you can learn to interpret and act on.

  • Your Little Sage, your intuition, can be reached reached though oracle cards, meditation and journaling (and I’ve created these tools for you too)

  • Your Little Sage, your intuition, yearns for you to listen, to follow and change your life one intuitice nudge at a time.

5 massive product inclusions in The Little Sage

Everything you need on your intuitive journey

from someone who’s walked it

Over the past 15 years, I’ve led thousands of people to live intuitively, to connect with their Spiritual Support Team (SST) of spirit guides through meditation, journaling, inner transformation and energy work.

At one time, my business was actually called The Little Sage —the name I called my intuition to help build a relationship with it.

As I followed my own little sage, my intuition, I was guided deeper into my purpose work which included not only developing a range of books, courses, meditations and other resources, but also charting a framework to live from a place of intuition.

Now, you can get all the tools you need —from courses, oracle cards, journals, meditations and more— PLUS be guided through the foundational framework in this bundle, aptly named, The Little Sage.

Access The Little Sage now

The Little Sage Bundle
One time
For 2 months

SAVE 20% off everything you need to connect with your own sage advice.

✓ Living Intuitively program (VALUE $595)
✓ Mastery of the Oracle Course (VALUE $97)
✓ The Little Sage Oracle Cards (VALUE $50) *shipping not incl.
✓ Guided Meditation Suite of 15 audios (VALUE $210)
✓ Head & Heart Digital Planner and Journal (VALUE $39)