Peering into the energy patterns ahead, to help navigate the collective and individual soul journey.

What are Energy Forecasts?

Not astrology. But, a bit like astrological predictions.

You may be more familiar with astrological predictions, based on particular planetary alignments and placements matched to your natal chart and houses.

I’m certainly not an astrologer —but, I am a psychic and channel.

My energy forecasts are predictions and insights channelled from my Spiritual Support Team (SST) about what’s likely to unfold according to particular themes, patterns and areas for growth and learning. Although, I’m always amazed when my energy forecasts match what’s going on astrologically.

Rather than using astrological conditions, my energy forecasts seem to be linked to soul blueprints. My SST then relay what’s coming up for the collective (or individual) based on the blueprint and agreements.

Yes, we all have a soul blueprint but so too do we have a collective soul blueprint and even an Earth blueprint. These blueprints have data about the collective and individual soul journey, growth and development. There are certain factors and energy forces that will show up in these moments… and that’s what my energy forecasts deliver.

FREE Weekly Energy Forecasts

Start your week with my insight and guidance in your inbox, every Monday morning.


    Collective energy forecasts help us determine what’s happening on a bigger scale — I’ve predicted the 2020 Australian bushfires, the implications from Covid, US politics and, most recently, a crisis for the head of the monarchy, months before King Charles and Princess Catherine’s cancer diagnoses.

    My annual and quarterly forecasts deep dive into the collective energy patterns, key dates and how to navigate them.

    FREE monthly energy forecasts on The Guided Collective Podcast


    Highly personalised energy forecasts for your unique path, purpose and soul development. Think of this as your localised weather report, drilled down to your specific path ahead.

    How to work with energy forecasts

    Each layer adds on the next

    You may choose to work with some—or all!—of my energy forecasts, or even work with forecasts you create yourself. I clairvoyantly see them as layers of blueprint; imagine laying them on top of each other to get a depth and dimension only possible with all layers.

    Rhythm & Ritual

    Annually / Quarterly / Monthly / Weekly / Daily

    I would suggest you start with the Annual Forecasts (collective or personal) to give you the big picture overview for the year ahead.

    From there, drill down to the quarterly, then monthly, weekly. You can then create a daily forecast as part of your own daily guidance practice.

    Create your own energy forecasts