Who is the little sage and why does it want you to live intuitively

Following your intuition and living from a place of trusting your own inner wisdom isn’t so easy in a world heavily focused on logic, facts and figures, making following our innate sense of direction an often conflicting and difficult choice. 

For many, relying on intuition is something done only in moments of panic or when faced with major, life altering decisions. Yet, it is also in those high-pressure moments when it can be much harder to hear your inner voice over the noise of others, or your own fear.

If you haven’t become familiar with your inner voice before these big life events occur, you may be less likely to spot your inner voice over a noisy (or fearful) crowd, making those big decisions harder to make intuitively. 

The Little Sage is your inner voice

Think of your little sage as the wise, all knowing part of you that is trying to get your attention. This wise, sage self is there to help you navigate your life path. 

You can think of your little sage as the inner voice, or guide while your higher self is you on a higher dimension, not bogged down by the humanness of the earthly plane. You also have a Spiritual Support Team of guides and angels who are a team of wonderful counsels and advisors, they are not the same as your little sage. Instead, your Spiritual Support Team exist outside of you and can be thought of as your higher guidance, while your little sage, or intuition, is your inner guidance.  

You can connect with your little sage and communicate with it, building a relationship with it. You can connect with your intuition, your little sage through meditation, creative works, automatic writing or prayer. You might like to download my free guide, 10 Tips to Build Your Intuition in 10 Minutes a Day to get you started.

How to live more intuitively 

Once you connect with your little sage, its going to guide you to live from a place of intuition more often.

Imagine what might happen if you lived every moment intuitively?

What if you practiced listening to your inner voice in quieter moments, becoming familiar with it and fostering a meaningful relationship with your inner tutor?

Everybody is intuitive and, like any other skill, practice strengthens your ability. Allowing your intuition to guide you through everyday decisions like what to eat, what to wear, how to travel to work, who to spend your time with helps build that ability – and your confidence in it. 

Living intuitively guides inner world change just as much as outer world change 

Sure, your intuition can help you decide to stay or go, start or stop, or whether you’re in or out. But, the more you let your little sage guide you, the more it is going to steer you into your inner world, so you can influence far greater, longer lasting change in your outer world. 

Regularly choosing from intuition over time, helps you identify the rules and expectations you’ve absorbed, or the opinions of others, helping you to break them down and quiet them. There is freedom in liberating yourself from such limiting rules and expectations and in that space, you will begin to hear your own inner sage advice, as opposed to all the other voices and opinions you’ve been following. This is something I explore in my programs, helping you to clear out the false sense so you can reconnect not only with your little sage, but also with your true self. 

If you’re ready to clear out the false self, and realign with your true self, allowing your own sage advice to intuitively guide you, I’m here to help. Come check out the ways I can support you at helenjacobs.co

Helen Jacobs

Helen Jacobs is an author, podcaster and mentor passionate about helping you live more intuitively, on-purpose.


What it feels like when you start to live intuitively 


Five less common ways to build your intuition