What it feels like when you start to live intuitively 

When we start out following our intuition, it can feel a bit hit and miss, or like we don't really know what all these ad hoc messages add up to. That’s because not all guidance is created equal.

By understanding the three types of guidance, and when you’re likely to receive them, you move from following ad hoc guidance to unravelling your path and purpose. In this article, I outline the phases we move through when we start living intuitively.

What it’s like when you first start following your intuition 

Often, when people start working with their intuition or spirit guides/ Spiritual Support Team, it can feel like you're just receiving these little random messages; make this phone call, stop eating this food, or whatever it might be.

This kind of ad hoc guidance can feel a bit disjointed, like something so seemingly meaningless and mundane could actually be important in the greater scheme of your soul path. 

At this stage we may be treating our intuition or SST like a magic eight ball in your pocket. We may ask for guidance on what outer world step to take, which choice or decision is right for us — but this will eventually stop working, because it’s become a rather mechanical, head-based way of working with our intuition.

It’s at this point, some of the intuitive lessons kick in. 

What it’s like when you’ve been living intuitively for a little while 

Once we move beyond this early phase, and we reach this point where the guidance turns you inward, you’ll be led into the healing required for your human and soul self, to return you to your path and purpose.  

Often, one of those first lessons is that we can’t treat our intuition like a magic eight ball!

Instead, we must cultivate a deeper relationship with our little sage and SST, let it lead us not just through the outer-world decisions, but also through the inner-world changes, too. 

Our intuition, and particularly our SST, is assigned to guide us back into relationship with ourselves, to love and honour ourselves and our unique lessons and purpose. Part of the deal is the guidance will eventually lead us into the healing required. And so, after a while of following your intuition, the game changes, and you begin a deeper healing journey. 

Why is it happening this way?

Well, not only because there is a deeper soul journey moving you towards your true self, but because in doing so you’re going to clear the way to a much deeper healing of your inner world, at both a human and soul level. 

As we clear the blocks, limitations, past lives, energy and emotions, we open the floodgates to more guidance, which is about to become far more directional, aiming us towards the overarching purpose of our life. This is what I teach in Living Intuitively —a supportive journey through the inner healing your guidance is showing you.

This is the kind of guidance that comes when someone says “I know I’m here for big things” but they don’t know what the big things are. Or when you intuitively know “I’m here to write a book/help people/teach” etc, but without the actual idea or subject matter yet.

That overarching sense of direction will soon give way to deeper intuitive nudges and insights from your SST.

You prepare for your purpose by learning the lessons, first. And you’ll be guided into the lessons, if you following your guidance.

Not all guidance is created equal

In this way, not all guidance is created equal. Some snippets of intuitive data need to be actioned immediately; some will take years to land properly. And to help the bigger pieces of guidance land, we do the inner work (that we are now doubt being guided to do). 

Each of these phases of living intuitively matches up to one of the Three Threads of Guidance, which I’ve mentioned on the podcast and in You Already Know. When we understand what category our guidance falls into, we're going to know how quickly we need to act, where that guidance fits in the greater path and purpose of our life, and how we’re being guided back into our centre, into the driver's seat of our own life, reclaiming our power over the magic eight ball in our pocket.

Have a think about the type of guidance you receive —do you have the snippets? Are you being guided into healing? And do you have a vague sense of a purpose or direction?

Helen Jacobs

Helen Jacobs is an author, podcaster and mentor passionate about helping you live more intuitively, on-purpose.


Three things your guidance is trying to tell you


Who is the little sage and why does it want you to live intuitively