How to decipher your head from your heart

In this series, we’re exploring how you can connect with your intuition and trust its guidance. In this post, we explore how you can decipher your head from your heart, although, you may want to start with this post first, How to listen to your intuition: head versus heart.

Listen to your heart

Listening to your spiritual heart — who you really are — is not always easy. Especially when your head interferes and confuses matters. And it is the spiritual heart, not the emotional heart, that is best to listen to – as these are different also.

So, how do you tell the difference? How do you know if you’re following your heart, or your head? Well you can read about that here, or to put it into practice, try the exercise below.

How to tell the difference between your head and heart.

You can try the following as part of your daily guidance practice. It’s such a regular feature in mine, that I included both a Head To Do List and a Heart To Do List in the Head & Heart Digital Planner.

1. Sit quietly thinking of an issue or problem in your life. (eg. I want to quit my job to become a psychic.)

2. Note on a piece of paper or in your journal how it makes you feel. (eg. Scared – Where will the money come from? What will people think? It also makes me feel at peace – I know I’m not meant to be in this job, I feel there is some other reason to follow this feeling.  Moving on feels like freedom and the feeling isn’t going away, in fact it’s growing.)

3. Now think about an ideal response to this issue and problem and note how it makes you feel. (The physical act of quitting my job makes me feel nervous, but the idea of following this feeling makes me feel free, happy etc. When I picture a different lifestyle, I feel relaxed, open and more peaceful and loving.)

4. Review what you’ve jotted down. You can now get a sense of whether its your head or heart speaking to you.

You are listening to your spiritual heart if:

  • there is no judgement

  • it is loving, joyous, open, fearless

  • it may not make logical sense

  • it ‘feels’ right (again, with no real logical explanation why)

  • thinking about an option makes you happy, free, content, relieved, loved etc

You are listening to your head if:

  • it is judgemental (of you, the situation, others or the ideal solution)

  • it is fearful (where will the money come from? what will people think?)

  • it is too logical (already you can come up with reasons why something will or won’t work)

  • you think about other people and their expectations of you/the situation

Do I trust my heart or my head?

Your spiritual heart CANNOT be wrong, but it may not make logical sense. You don’t always get the clarity around why you are pulled in a particular direction until after you have made a decision to follow the pull. Following it will always pay off – and not in the way you may imagine.

Ed’s note: In the example of me quitting my job and following my pull to be a full-time psychic, the work certainly took care of itself, but it also opened up opportunities I hadn’t imagined (relationships, living arrrangements etc) simply because I’d opened myself to where I was meant to me. Like I said, you don’t always know why, but if you trust your spiritual heart, it will lead you where you need to be.


Head v Heart Meditation

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    Helen Jacobs

    Helen Jacobs is an author, podcaster and mentor passionate about helping you live more intuitively, on-purpose.

    Are you blocking your intuition?


    How to listen to your intuition: head versus heart